Jova Resto Logo
Jova Resto Logo

Why Should Jova Resto?

Why Should Jova Resto?

Our POS systems do everything from order management, inventory management, employees, visual sales analytics, customer loyalty programs and more. One service for all your needs!

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Spesial Price

Spesial Price

Get the best price offer for your restaurant needs

Our Partners

Our Partners


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Impress your restaurant guests with the advanced and speedy order processing.


Your business will be easier with the use of jovaresto!

No need to worry about maximizing your business potential, learn how jovaresto makes it easier to manage your business here.

Devices for your business

Devices for your business

Paket Alat Kasir Printer Cashdrawer

Paket Alat Kasir Printer Cashdrawer

Rp 710.000

Cashdrawer 4 Bill 4 Coin

Cashdrawer 4 Bill 4 Coin

Rp 345.000

Printer Bluetooth Thermal

Printer Bluetooth Thermal

Rp 270.000

Standing Tablet

Standing Tablet

Rp 95.000



Testimonial 4
logo 4


  • Owner of Suka Sambal

Jova Resto sangat membantu operasional suka sambal. Dengan menggunakan Jova Resto kami lebih mudah untuk membuat pencatatan laporan seperti pendapatan yang otomatis, pengaturan stok, manajemen pesanan, dan pindah outlet hanya tinggal switch saja. Jova Resto Solusi Manajemen Bisnis Kuliner ??

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What can we help you?

You have many questions and want to know more about JovaResto. Please contact us!